
Bangladesh National University (BNU)

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The Bangladesh National University (BNU) was established in 1992 as an affiliating university under the National University Act of 1992. It is the fourth-largest university in the country in terms of students and the number of colleges and institutions affiliated with it.

BNU has its main campus in Gazipur and also has regional centers in different parts of the country. Initially, it was established as a way to provide higher education opportunities to students coming from rural and semi-rural backgrounds, as many of them were not able to afford the cost or travel to attend universities located in major cities.

Over the years, BNU has grown and expanded, and now offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields including science, engineering, arts, and social sciences. The university has also been working to improve the quality of education it provides, and has implemented several programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of both its students and faculty members.

In recent years, BNU has also been working towards digitization and automation of its operations, including the use of online systems for registration, examination, and other administrative processes. Additionally, the University has been making efforts to establish a center of excellence in post-graduate education and research, to produce graduates of higher quality who can compete globally in this era of globalization.

Overall, Bangladesh National University has played a significant role in providing higher education opportunities to students in the country, particularly those from rural and semi-rural backgrounds, and continues to work towards improving the quality and accessibility of education it provides. It is currently catering to 34 lac 25 thousand and 832 students studying in 2257 colleges/institutions (Government 555, Non-government 1361; Other 341) affiliated to this university.

The National University of Bangladesh's all-books and notice portal, nustudents.com, offers all different sorts of news/notice updates.
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